Sunday 5 December 2010

Final(ish) Death Dealer

It was a tough challenge trying to get it as loyal as I could to the original painting while using some of my own creativity, but I'm pleased with my result.

It would have been great if this project was longer, I could spend another 3 weeks on this. There's some things I'm not entirely happy with but I've decided to leave it there now and get the renders done ready for hand-in.

I wanted to get a look that was not entirely CG like. I could spend so many hours playing with this but I'm mostly happy with the look I achieved in the time I had.

I hope you enjoy it

Death Dealer CG
by ~AcidTsunami on deviantART

Thursday 2 December 2010

Mudbox Project

We had a 3 week "Introduction to Mudbox" project halfway through our Major Project pre-production. We had to create an existing character so we didn't have to do concept.

Week one was building in Max/Maya
Week two was mudbox(ing)
Week three was texturing

I decided to recreate Frank Frazetta's famous painting of Death Dealer. I'm pretty much finished now, just a few tweaks here and there and the headache of making the saddle details (see image below). I've uploaded some renders for now but I won't be uploading the final renders until I'm happy with everything :)

I look forward to showing you all my final renders. I've been working hard on getting the right style and I'm really pleased with the results I have so far. A few more hours playing with settings and it will be ready to show :D

I also painted a background using parts of the original painting


Tuesday 2 November 2010

Vehicle Concept

Each of us is working on a different "class" vehicle for the game. The classes are Light, Medium and Heavy. I'm creating the light vehicle, which is fast but has little defence. Liam is creating the medium class vehicle and Ren the Heavy class which is slower but more powerful in offence and defence.
Each class will also have other attributes which will be revealed at a later date :)

Here's some of the concept I've been working on recently. I'll post some of the other guys work up too! Also, I hate drawing wheels!

Racing Game - Final Major Project

Into my third and final year in Univeristy now! For my final major project two of my class mates (Liam Grice & Ren Manuel) and myself are making a racing game in the UDK.
The game will be a hybrid race/shooter in the spirit of Carmageddon, Mario Kart and Death Race. Each of us are creating a Vehicle and Character and two tracks between us as they are going to be quite large and detailed. We also plan to make custom weapons. I will be coding the game myself and Liam will be assisting with certain aspects such as scaleform for the HUD system.

We're currently in the pre-production stage, creating concept artwork for our individual pieces and I am also writing up game logic and mechanics documents.

Although Liam and Ren have their own blogs this blog will contain my work aswell as work from the whole project. I look forward to showing you what we have planned!

Saturday 16 January 2010

Final Animatic

So it's finally completed. It was a lot of hard work and took many many hours, so without further a-do, here it is!