Tuesday 2 November 2010

Racing Game - Final Major Project

Into my third and final year in Univeristy now! For my final major project two of my class mates (Liam Grice & Ren Manuel) and myself are making a racing game in the UDK.
The game will be a hybrid race/shooter in the spirit of Carmageddon, Mario Kart and Death Race. Each of us are creating a Vehicle and Character and two tracks between us as they are going to be quite large and detailed. We also plan to make custom weapons. I will be coding the game myself and Liam will be assisting with certain aspects such as scaleform for the HUD system.

We're currently in the pre-production stage, creating concept artwork for our individual pieces and I am also writing up game logic and mechanics documents.

Although Liam and Ren have their own blogs this blog will contain my work aswell as work from the whole project. I look forward to showing you what we have planned!

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