Wednesday 30 December 2009

New Dawn

So Christmas is over and done with and the new year is almost upon us. Now is the time for big ideas and big workloads!

Ren and I have been working on concept and I've also been storyboarding. The plan has change and improved considerably and we are really happy with some of the great new ideas we have. We also have a great musical score with permission from a wonderful young composer, Steven Tzeng.

Here's some concept to wet your appetite, I'll will also be posting some research we found to be interesting and useful in this stage. But for now!

I really like the mask idea and will most probablly stick with it. The dress/skirt I also like, it sticks with the theme which I am going to call Neo-Victorian, just because it sounds good! Quite pleased with the dark purple too will but explore some more.

I prefer the style of this character, although I will most likely stick with dark hair. I will next try a combination of the 2 outfits.

A male body concept, theres way more but not scanned in as of yet. Reeeen.

Have a wonderful new year!

Friday 4 December 2009

The Masterplan

The Reveal! Ren and I originally planned to make a short CG film trailer but due to the 90 second restriction we thought better of it as we couldn't really cut an idea we were already happy with. Maybe that project will become a personal one...or 3rd year?

Anyhow so what we plan to do now is create a game cinematic sequence and actually have it play in the Unreal Engine. So we're gonna be modelling and animating in max then transferring that to the latest Unreal Engine using their recentlly released FREE SDK. God bless Epic!

We're currently in research/concept stage with a rough story board set out. But things so far are going great, Ren has some amazing concept work on the go and we can't wait to show you. But for now, here's a teaser ;)

Thursday 3 December 2009

Into The Unknown

Ok so here goes, my first time blogging! This will mainly serve as a production diary for my final major project this year but will contain all sorts of related stuff I find interesting.

We just started our major project, currently on Pre-Production until January 18th. I have an almost concrete idea of what I'm doing now, more details to come! For now, I leave you with this

Watch your thoughts they become words.
Watch your words they become actions.
Watch your actions they become habits.
Watch your habits they become character.
Watch your character it becomes your destiny.

I'd quote that if I knew who said it! Possibly Frank Outlaw?