Friday 25 March 2011

Huge Update

I've been so busy I've not had time to post stuff! I am literally working non-stop. Creating a character, vehicle and huge environment as well as programming is a huge workload. It's going well so far though!

Two of my friends and I are in our final year studying game art at University. For our final project we decided to make an action racing game concept. We are all creating vehicles, characters and environment assets and I am also doing the coding. It's not a game that will be finished anytime soon, it's simply a concept for our project which ends in a couple of months. After that, who knows! Here's some info, I hope like it.

Back Story
A famous Human author once wrote, “To survive it is often necessary to fight and to fight you have to dirty yourself”. This is true now, more than ever before. Not just for the humans but for all life in the galaxy they share.

This home, this small part of space has many names throughout the hundreds of races that inhabit it. “The road to nowhere”, “Heaven's Embrace”, “The Fort of Gwydion” and of course “The Milky Way”. Some see it for what it is, a small insignificant part of the Universe. Others look upon it as heaven itself created by an almighty god. However it is regarded, one simple fact applies to all life within. It is home, and one which no living thing can do without.

For millions of years it has been taken for granted. Very few worried for life outside of their planets and colonies. But now the end has arrived. The fate of all life in the galaxy is doomed. The black hole in its centre has been growing since the dawn of time, churning with infinite chaos and always starving of time and space. And now it seems, life itself is on the menu. For so long it seemed like a distant beast of no threat to anyone, but the beast grows, wandering in all directions with no bias or blind spot. It hunts everything, everywhere, for eternity and there's no escaping it.

The only solace intelligent life has is that, with enough currency, you can get far enough away to live out the rest of your life. And hope, that future generations can keep escaping this terrible fate. Some of the richest and most important figures from across the galaxy left long ago bearing only a few close possessions and a guilty conscience for the ones left behind.

It is perhaps not surprising, that in these dire times, a new form of entertainment arose. If death is inevitable why not enjoy the time you have. Calling it entertainment however, is debatable at best. But no matter how one sees it, it's certainly popular.

One of the most common features of evolution, throughout the galaxy, is the need or desire to be faster than another living thing. Perhaps just as common, is the general idea of competition. Where individuals or groups of at least similar ability compete with one and other in order to become a champion in their field. This idea however, does not always apply with this new found “sport”. Desperate men with no chance of survival, never mind winning, take part without a hope of getting the spoils. If there was ever good reason to empathise with someone for at least trying, now is more appropriate than ever. Even the contenders who find success have little chance of winning enough credits to secure their passage into galaxies beyond.

Ruthless and unforgiving, the contenders race, in most cases, to their deaths, with only three simple goals in mind. Keep their vehicle working, keep winning and ironically no more important than the others, stay alive. The races take place throughout the galaxy in treacherous lands and unimaginable danger. The rules are vague and profoundly pointless. The organisers, unknown to everyone, are the only live spectators. And the entrance course!

This is “DFK Racing”

Brief Description of Gameplay

DFK Racing is an action racing game. It can be compared to games such as Mario Kart, Blur & Carmageddon.

In DFK, Racers compete in an endurance style race where being first over the line isn't doesn't guarantee success. Racers must also collect "Scrap" as they race around the track. On each track exists a "Scrap Processing Area" where players leave their vehicles and compete to control the area, King of the Hill style, so they can process their scrap.

Racers can choose between 3 classes of vehicle. Light, Medium and Heavy. Light vehicles are the fastest but have the least armor and scrap capacity, while heavy vehicles are slower but are able to carry more scrap and take more damage. Heavy vehicles are also easier to drive. Medium class vehicles are somewhere inbetween these two.

Finishing the race gives each player a bonus to the scrap they processed, while all players lose a percentage depending on how far behind first place they finished. This system allows for Heavier vehicles to win a race even if they don't come first. Think the tortoise and the hare.

Players also get scrap bonuses for other actions, such as destroying other player vehicles and killing them when skirmishing for the scrap processor.


Current Features in Progress

(Many features are still work in progress)

Players spawn on a start grid in a vehicle
Checkpoints and Lap system
Track respawn system (when vehicle is destroyed)
Scrap pickup system
Scrap Processing system
Hud system

3x Custom vehicles
2x Custom characters
Many custom environment assets
1x Race track
Simple racing AI


I'll be uploading images and videos as soon as I get some off the other guys. For now I'll link a couple of images of my work.

Coldario Forge Race Track

Quadbike Vehicle

Gwen Character

Scrap Pickup/Processing